I wanted to give you a little teaser on the future of Cohere and why we believe this is going to be the best place for coaches to scale their businesses 🙂 

We always envisioned Cohere being a place to connect coaches with potential clients. 

To make it easier to not only market yourself and get your name out there, but connect with other incredible people who can help you do that. 

Sort of like an “Upwork for Coaches”–but much more community-driven.

But we just weren’t ready to make this a reality yet. 

Until now! 

Because we recently crossed 1000 amazing coaches who regularly use Cohere, which means we have a great starting base to build the first version of this out. 

In fact, we’re going to launch early access to a new feature called the “Cohere Collective” later this week to our Launch Accelerator members.

Have you ever wanted a dedicated space to share your workshops, resources, 1:1s and not only network with other coaches/entrepreneurs but also easily build community? 

That’s what The Cohere Collective is all about! 

It’s a group of passionate coaches, healers and teachers bringing transformation to the world using their gifts. 

Every Cohere member will be able to join, connect with each other and grow together. 

This will allow coaches to gain awareness for their brand & grow their community. 

If you ever feel like you’re building your online business alone
 or you’re missing a place that feels like “home”… people who really get you and share similar goals and values as you

then you need to be inside the Collective!

All of this will facilitate members to find, connect and build with your kind of people! đŸ„ł

And of course
 it’s going to make getting more clients and building your brand MUCH easier in the long run. 

I can’t wait to see the connections and growth this unlocks for all of us.

More details soon!

With love,

Anette Oran

​​P.S. If you’d like to learn more about Cohere and growing your coaching business, here are some ways we can help: 

  1. Learn more about Cohere platform, the all-in-one place to create, launch and sell your coaching services, programs, memberships, courses and more. https://cohere.live/
  2. Book a demo with Anette Oran, Co-Founder of Cohere and see how Cohere can help scale your coaching business. 
  3. Discover the Cohere Academy – created for coaches, healers, online service providers to level up, gain new skills and impact their tribe. https://www.cohere.live/academy/
  4. Get access to our Free Training: How to Launch & Scale your Online Offers with Ease here.